Cativa dintre cititorii blogului m-au intrebat daca nu o sa public si o reteta de ciorba de perisoare. Ei bine, i-a venit si acesteia randul.
Sunt foarte fericita atunci cand interactionez cu persoane care imi citesc blogul si va incurajez sa-mi scrieti orice intrebare, idee sau parere.
Dar sa trecem la treaba! Reteta mea de ciorba de perisoare este putin modificata in functie de ceea ce ne place noua. Sper ca o sa va placa! 🙂
– 1 kg carne tocata amestec (sau de pui)
– 200 g orez
– 2 linguri ulei
– 1 ceapa
– 3 ardei
– 2 morcovi
– 200 ml suc de rosii
– 2 oua
– 50 g faina
– ardei iute
– boia
– piper
– sare
– patrunjel
Some of my blog readers asked me if I will publish a recipe of meatballs soup. Well, that moment came.
I’m very happy when I interact with persons who read my blog and I encourage you to write me any question, idea or opinion.
But let’s get back to work! My recipe of meatballs soup it’s a little bit modified, to satisfy our tastes. I hope you’ll like it!
– 1 kg mix of minced meat (or chicken minced meat )
– 200 g rice
– 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil
– 1 onion
– 3 bell peppers
– 2 carrots
– 200 ml tomato juice
– 2 eggs
– 50 g flour
– hot pepper
– paprika
– pepper
– salt
– parsley
Vom spala si vom curata legumele. Apoi le taiem in bucatele iar morcovii ii dam pe razatoare mica.
Punem uleiul in oala in care dorim sa facem ciorba si il incingem. Adaugam apoi legumele si le calim putin (2-3 minute). Se adauga apa si se lasa la fiert.
We’ll wash and peel off the vegetables. After that we’ll cut them in small pieces and we’ll grate the carrots. In the pot where we want to boil the soup we will put the oil and we’ll heat it for a little time (2-3 minutes). We add water and we’ll let the vegetables to boil.
Intre timp pregatim compozitia pentru perisoare. Intr-un bol vom pune carnea tocata, ouale, orezul, piperul, boiaua, sarea si faina. Se amesteca pana la obtinerea unei compozitii omogene.
Meanwhile we’ll prepare the composition for meatballs. In a bowl we’ll put the minced meat, eggs, rice, pepper, paprika, salt and flour. We’ll mix until we’ll obtain a homogeneous composition.
Formam perisoarele. Acestea vor avea o marime potrivita. Daca va intrebati de ce am pus in compozitie atat oua cat si faina, am sa va raspund. Ambele ingrediente au rolul de a impiedica perisoarele sa se dezintegreze.
Perisoarele se pun la fiert impreuna cu legumele. Cand perisoarele sunt aproape fierte se adauga sucul de tomate, ardeiul iute si la final patrunjelul.
We’ll form the meatballs. Those meatballs will have a medium size. If you wonder why I put in the composition eggs and also flour, I will answer. Both ingredients have the role to prevent the meatballs’ disintegration.
The meatballs will be put in the pot to boil with the vegetables. When the meatballs are almost boiled we’ll add the tomato juice, hot pepper and in the end the parsley.
Serviti cu smantana sau iaurt! Delicios !
Serve with sour cream or yogurt! Delicious!