Chutney de piersici si ananas/Peaches and pineapple chutney
Dupa multa vreme de lipsa motivata de pe blog iata ca apar si eu la fix pentru a scrie ultima reteta a lunii.
Nu stiu daca ma mai incadrez in timp dar trebuie sa va arat ce bunatate a iesit! đ
After a long time of motivated of absence on my blog here I am just in time to write the last recipe of the month. This recipe was prepared for the challenge of September from All day cooking blog –
I do not know if I’m in time but I have to show you what delicious recipe came out! đ
Am sa va dau reteta pentru chutney. Orezul a fost facut simplu, alaturi de cotlet de porc la gratar. Puteti consuma chutney imediat sau sa-l puneti in borcane si sa-l sterilizati. Va fi la fel de bun dupa mai mult timp in camara.
-6 piersici
-1 ananas copt
-2 cepe rosii
-3 linguri de zahar brun
-1 lingura de otet de mere
-2 cepe verzi
-1 lingurita de curry
I’ll give you the recipe for chutney. Rice was cooked simply and put near grilled pork chops. You can eat chutney immediately or put it in jars and sterilize it. It will be as good as now after a long time in the pantry.
-6 peaches
-1 ripe pineapple
-2 red onions
-3 tablespoons brown sugar
-1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
-2 green onions
-1 teaspoon of curry
Sa va explic…Reteta este atat de simpla incat numai din imagini va puteti da seama ca o lenesa ca mine nu s-a spetit facand-o! :)) Ei, ma stiti ca nu-s genul de om care sa stea prea mult din pretiosul timp liber facand treburi casnice.
Piersicile se taie in cubulete si nu se curata de coaja, respectiv puf (pentru ca ale mele nu au prea avut). Ananasul se curata si se taie, indepartand cotorul care este absolut oribil. Ceapa rosie si cea verde se taie si ele marunt. Se pun toate intr-un vas care se pune la fiert. Vor fierbe in sucul lor, mai ales ca piersicile si ananasul lasa destul de mult daca sunt bine coapte. Dupa vreo 10 minute se adauga zaharul. Amestecati des pentru a nu se prinde de fundul vasului. Cand este fiert chutney nu trebuie sa fie ca un gem ci asa ca-n reclamele de la Uncle Ben’s (am ramas marcata de cand eram mica de ele! ). Sa nu uit-cu 5 minute inainte de a lua vasul de pe foc adaugati curry si amestecati bine. Puneti decat o lingurita de curry pentru ca altfel va fi mult prea picant – condimentele mele sunt aduse din India de sora mea care m-a avertizat prieteneste sa nu gresesc masura ;)!
Let me explain … The recipe is so simple that only from the pictures you can tell that a lazy person as me will not make many efforts to cook it! :)) Well, I know that I’m not the kind of girl that spends too much of her precious free time doing housework.
Peaches will be cut into cubes and they will not be peeled, or getting rid of fuzz (because mine did not have much). Pineapple will be also peeled and cut, removing the stub which is absolutely horrible. Red and green onions are cut into small pieces. Place all in a vessel and put it to boil. Everything will boil in their juices, especially because peaches and pineapples leave a lot of juice if they are ripe. After about 10 minutes add the sugar. Stir often so that it will not stick to the bottom. When cooked chutney should not be like a jam but so as the sauce from Uncle Ben’s commercials  (I was marked by them when I was little!). Do not forget – 5 minutes before taking the pot aside add the curry and mix well. Put a teaspoon of curry otherwise it will be too spicy – my spices are brought from India by my sister who warned me not to mix up the measures ;)!
Chutney poate fi consumat imediat sau poate fi pus in borcane si sterilizat timp de 30 minute in cuptor. Astfel veti avea un bun inlocuitor pentru sosurile din supermarket pe care poate le folositi cand sunteti in graba.
Chutney can be served immediately or can be put in jars and sterilized for 30 minutes in the oven. This will be a good substitute for sauces in the supermarkets and you can use them when you’re in a hurry.Â
Bon appétit!