Castraveciori la borcan – reteta bunicii mele/Pickled cucumbers – my grandma’s recipe
De cativa ani bunicii mei s-au apucat serios de treaba si pun muraturi pentru toata familia. A nu se intelege ca noi, restul, nu punem. Au o mica gradina si pe masura ce se fac legumele tot pun conserve.
Sotul meu este innebunit dupa castraveciorii murati ai bunicii. Si ca sa fiu sigura ca o sa tin reteta in familie (desi nu stiu de unde o are bunica) m-am gandit sa fac teste. Cum de prima testare au trecut, cred ca e cazul sa va povestesc si voua cum se fac.
Si ca sa va fie mai usor, am sa va dau “reteta” pentru un borcan de 800 ml:
– castraveciori (cati or intra acolo)
– 1 lingurita de sare pentru muraturi
– 2 lingurite de zahar
– 50 ml de otet de vin alb
– boabe de piper
– boabe de mustar
– foi de dafin
– marar uscat
For several years my grandparents have seriously started to make pickles for the whole family. Do not understand that the rest of us don’t. They have a small garden and as the vegetables appear they start to can them.
My husband is crazy about my grandma’s pickled cucumbers. And to be sure that I will keep this family recipe (although I do not know which is the provenience) I thought I should test it. How the first test passed, I think I should tell you how they can be prepared.
And it will be easier for you if I’ll give you the “recipe” for a jar of 800 ml:
– baby cucumbers (as many as you can put in the jar)
– 1 teaspoon of salt for pickles
– 2 teaspoons of sugar
– 50 ml of white wine vinegar
– pepper grains
– mustard grains
– bay leaves
– dried dill
Sotul meu este innebunit dupa castraveciorii murati ai bunicii. Si ca sa fiu sigura ca o sa tin reteta in familie (desi nu stiu de unde o are bunica) m-am gandit sa fac teste. Cum de prima testare au trecut, cred ca e cazul sa va povestesc si voua cum se fac.
Si ca sa va fie mai usor, am sa va dau “reteta” pentru un borcan de 800 ml:
– castraveciori (cati or intra acolo)
– 1 lingurita de sare pentru muraturi
– 2 lingurite de zahar
– 50 ml de otet de vin alb
– boabe de piper
– boabe de mustar
– foi de dafin
– marar uscat
For several years my grandparents have seriously started to make pickles for the whole family. Do not understand that the rest of us don’t. They have a small garden and as the vegetables appear they start to can them.
My husband is crazy about my grandma’s pickled cucumbers. And to be sure that I will keep this family recipe (although I do not know which is the provenience) I thought I should test it. How the first test passed, I think I should tell you how they can be prepared.
And it will be easier for you if I’ll give you the “recipe” for a jar of 800 ml:
– baby cucumbers (as many as you can put in the jar)
– 1 teaspoon of salt for pickles
– 2 teaspoons of sugar
– 50 ml of white wine vinegar
– pepper grains
– mustard grains
– bay leaves
– dried dill
Spalam bine castravetii si le taiem coditele daca e cazul.
We will wash the cucumbers very well and we will cut the stalks if it’s necessary.
Ne alegem borcanele (eu nu am avut de 800 ml dar am calculat cu grija proportiile), le spalam si punem piperul, mustarul, foile de dafin si mararul. Apoi incepem sa aranjam castraveciorii.
We choose the jars (I didn’t had 800 ml jars but I carefully calculated the proportions), we’ll wash them and put the pepper, the mustard,the bay leaves and dill. Then we’ll begin to arrange the cucumbers.
Am pus si cateva felii de morcovi, pentru decor. Bunica nu pune dar eu am considerat ca arata bine si nu se schimba deloc gustul.
I put some sliced carrots for decoration. Grandma doesn’t but I think that they look good and the taste doesn’t change at all.
Dupa ce am terminat de aranjat castravetii si feliile de morcov am pus sarea, otetul si am completat cu apa rece.
After we finished arranging the slices of carrot and the cucumbers, I put salt, vinegar and I filled the rest of the jar with cold water.
Dupa indicatiile pretioase ale bunicii, am invelit borcanele intr-o hartie “numa buna” din teza de doctorat a sotului (varianta initiala de lucru) si le-am pus intr-o cratita mare de inox.
Am pus apa (cratita nu era chiar plina) si am pus borcanele sa se sterilizeze timp de 10-15 minute cu ochii pe ceas (dupa ce apa a inceput sa fiarba).
Borcanele se lasa sa se raceasca pana a doua zi dupa care se pun in camara, la depozitare.
Cred ca au sa va placa tare mult castraveciorii bunicii!
After the grandmother’s precious instructions, I wrapped the jars in a paper “only good” from my husband’s doctoral thesis (initial working version) and put them in a large saucepan of stainless steel.
I put water (pot was not full) and I put it on the stove to sterilize the jars for 10-15 minutes, watching the clock (after water began to boil).
Leave the jars to cool until the next day and after they will be put in a cool place, for storage.
I think you’ll like my grandma’s pickles very much!