Carne de vita cu ienibahar si couscous/Beef with allspice and couscous
Am pregatit reteta asta de ceva timp si tot am amanat publicarea ei din diverse motive. Totusi nu voiam sa se intample ca si cu alte retete, motiv pentru care am hotarat ca azi e momentul.
Au fost cazuri in care am pregatit niste mancaruri absolut delicioase. Am facut fotografii, am pregatit reteta si au ramas pentru publicare ulterioara, cand aveam timp. Nu de putine ori am hotarat sa nu le mai public. In marea majoritate a cazurilor nu mi-au mai placut fotografiile si am decis sa public retetele cu o alta ocazie. Timpul alocat blogului si studierii retetelor sau tehnicilor este destul de scurt. Desi gatitul si bloggingul sunt pasiunile mele, nu pot nega faptul ca jobul meu este foarte important si imi ocupa cel mai mult timp. Asa ca absentele mele sunt oarecum justificate 😉
I prepared this recipe for a while and I have delayed its publication for some time now because of various reasons. But I didn’t want to happen as with other recipes, so I decided that today is the time to publish it.
There have been cases when I prepared some absolutely delicious foods. I took pictures, I prepared the recipes and I waited for publication later when I had time. Often I decided to no longer publish them. In most cases I didn’t liked the pictures anymore and decided to publish recipes with another occasion. The time spent with the writing of the blog and studying recipes or techniques is quite short. Although cooking and blogging are my passions, I can not deny that my job is very important and it occupies most of my time. So my absences are somewhat justified 😉
Nu este o reteta complicata, simandicoasa, ci o reteta potrivita pentru o masa in familie. As zice de weekend 🙂
-500 g carne de vita
-4 linguri de ulei
-500 ml vin rose demidulce
Ingrediente couscous:
-250 g couscous
-300 ml apa
-2 linguri pasta ardei rosu
-1 catel de usturoi
-2 linguri ulei
It’s not a complicated, fancy recipe, but suitable for a lunch with family. I’d say a weekend lunch 🙂
Beef ingredients:
-500 g beef
-4 tablespoons oil
-500 ml sweet rose wine
Couscous ingredients:
-250 g couscous
-300 ml water
-2 tablespoons red pepper paste
-1 clove of garlic
-2 tablespoons oil
Carnea se taie in bucati mari, suficient de groase si se pune intr-o cratita in care am adaugat si uleiul.. Se adauga 200 ml de vin si se pune la foc. Carnea va fi lasata sa fiarba pe fiecare parte aproximativ 3 minute. Apoi se stinge focul si se scurge eama din cratita. Se acopera cu un capac si se lasa sa se raceasca.
The meat is cut into pieces large enough and thick and placed in a saucepan in which we added also the sunflower oil. Add 200 ml of wine and put on it on the stove. The meat will be cooked on each side about 3 minutes. Then take off the heat and drain wine sauce from the pan. Cover with a lid and let it cool off.
Condimentele se piseaza intr-un mojar si se pun peste carne. Apoi se adauga restul de vin, se acopera cratita cu un capac si se da la rece cel putin 4-5 ore. Carnea se pune apoi intr-un vas termorezistent si se pune in cuptorul preincalzit. Se lasa la temperatura medie pana cand va fi frageda. In ultimele 5 minute vasul se va descoperi pentru ca bucatile de carne sa se rumeneasca.
Spices are ground in a mortar and spread on the meat. Then add remaining wine, cover the pan with a lid and put it in the fridge for at least 4-5 hours. The meat is then put into a heat resistant cooking dish and place in preheated oven. Keep a medium temperature in the oven until the meat becomes tender. In the last 5 minutes take the lid to allow the meat to parch.
Inainte de a servi friptura preparam garnitura de couscous. Intr-o ala se pune apa si se adauga sare. Se pune la fiert. Cand apa clocoteste, oala se ia deoparte si se adauga couscous.Se acopera cu un capac si se lasa timp de 5-7 minute sa se umfle. Dupa aceea se adauga uleiul si se incalzeste un minut, la foc mic, amestecand in continuu. In final se adauga pasta de ardei, piperul si usturoiul pisat.
Before serving the roast prepare couscous. In a pan put water and add salt. Put it on the stove to boil. When water boils, take away the pot and add couscous.Cover with a lid and leave for 5-7 minutes to swell. Then add the oil and heat a minute over low heat, stirring continuously. Finally add the pepper paste, pepper and minced garlic.
Bon appétit!