Carne de pui / Chicken

Carne de curcan cu gutui / Turkey with quinces

Iata ca a venit si randul acestei minunate retete de sezon.
Uitandu-ma la pozele pe care vreau sa le atasez acestui post mi-am adus aminte de o intamplare din copilarie.
Parintii mei s-au hotarat sa zugraveasca apartamentul in care locuiam. Si cum era luna octombrie si in orice casa gaseai gutui, nici la noi nu era exceptie.
Aveam 7-8 ani si eram un copil cuminte, care nu iesea din cuvantul parintilor. Aveam o singura problema: eram plina de idei. Impreuna cu surorile mele mai mari (nu foarte mari :))! ) am considerat ca nu putem curata puful de pe gutui decat daca le frecam de perete…va inchipuiti cum aratau peretii dupa ce am terminat de “curatat” vreo 8-9 gutui! :)) De fiecare data in aceasta perioada imi aduc aminte de aceasta intamplare si zambesc fericita ca inca exista ceva frumos in lumea asta, care ne mai destinde putin: amintiri despre copilaria noastra.
Dar sa trecem la treaba. Iata de ce avem nevoie:
– 500 g curcan (eu am avut piept)
– 50 g unt
– 4 gutui
– 100 g zahar
– apa

So now it’s time to tell you about a wonderful recipe, a seasonal recipe.
Few minutes ago I was looking at the pictures that I will attach to this post and I remembered something nice from my childhood.
My parents decided that our apartment needs repainting. It was October and in every house you could have found quinces; our house was no exception.
I was 7-8 years old and I was a good child, that never put my parents in difficult situations. I had only one problem: I had many ideas. Together with my big sisters (not too big :))!) we considered that we couldn’t clean the quinces of that pubescence unless we rub them against our room’s walls…you can imagine how they looked after we “cleaned” 8-9 quinces! :)) This period of year makes me remember these things and to smile happy because it still exists something beautiful in this world that relax us: memories about our childhood.
But let’s get back to work now. Here’s what we need:
– 500 g turkey (I had turkey breast)
– 50 g butter
– 4 quinces
– 100 g sugar
– water

Gutuile se spala bine si se taie bucatele. Nu, nu le frecati de pereti! :))

Quinces will be washed well and cut in small pieces. No, don’t rub them against the walls! :))

Carnea se taie bucati medii si se rumeneste intr-o tigaie impreuna cu untul. Apoi se pune intr-un vas termorezistent.

We cut the meat in medium pieces and we parch them with the butter into a pan. When is ready, the meat will be put into a thermo resistant recipient.

Zaharul se caramelizeaza.
We will caramelize the sugar.

Se adauga gutuile peste zaharul caramelizat. Se amesteca 1-2 minute dupa care se adauga apa cat sa acopere gutuile.

We add the quinces over the caramelized sugar. We mix 1-2 minutes and after we will add water just to cover the quinces.

Lasam gutuile sa fiarba 10 minute. Apoi se pune amestecul in vasul termorezistent impreuna cu bucatile de carne si se baga in cuptorul preincalzit pentru cca 45 de minute (timpul depinde de cuptor si de carne).

We let the quinces to boil for 10 minutes. After that  the mix will be put in the thermo resistant recipient with the pieces of meat and put into the preheated oven for 45 minutes (the time depends because of the oven or the meat).

Acest fel de mancare se serveste cald, cu sau fara garnitura. Daca doriti sa serviti cu garnitura va recomand un piure de cartofi.

This dish will be sered warm, with or without side dish. If you want to serve with side dish I recommend smashed potatoes.

Daca aveti la indemana un vin fiert cu scortisoara si cuisoare, merge de minune! :))
If you have some boiled wine with cinnamon and cloves, don’t hesitate and drink some! :))

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