Desert / Dessert

Cannelés de Bordeaux

Acum cateva zile am pregatit o reteta minunata: cannelés de Bordeaux. Reteta am imprumutat-o de la Andreea. A fost o idee foarte buna. Parfumul, gustul caramelului si finetea le fac niste candidate perfecte pentru un desert atunci cand aveti invitati sau cand va este pofta de ceva deosebit.
Aveam impresia ca se fac greu. Ei bine, m-am inselat. 🙂

– 700 ml lapte
– baton de vanilie
– 50 g unt moale
– 200 g zahar
– 100 g faina
– 1 galbenus de ou
– 3 oua mari
– 3 linguri de rom
– unt pentru forme (daca nu sunt din silicon)

 Few days ago I prepared a wonderful recipe: cannelés de Bordeaux. I borrowed this recipe from Andreea. It was a very good idea. The flavor, caramel’s taste and the refinement of those little cakes make them perfect candidates for a dessert when you have guests or when you want something special.
I thought it’s difficult to bake the. Well, I was wrong. 🙂
– 700 ml milk
– vanilla stick
– 50 g melted butter
– 200 g sugar
– 100 g flour
– 1 egg yolk
– 3 big eggs
– 3 tablespoons of rum
– butter for molds (if they aren’t made of silicon) 

Intr-un bol se amesteca faina si ouale.

In a bowl we mix the eggs and flour.

Intr-o cratita se pun laptele, vanilia, romul, untul si zaharul. Compozitia se amesteca si se pune la incalzit fara a se lasa la fiert. Ea trebuie sa fie calduta. Atentie – se amesteca in continuu.

In a pot we will put milk, vanilla, rum, butter and sugar. The composition is mixed and put on the stove to warm without leaving it until it boils. It has to be warm. Pay attention – we have to mix continuously.

Atunci cand compozitia s-a racit suficient (nu de tot) se adauga amestecul de oua cu faina si se amesteca bine. Odata omogenizata si racita, aceasta compozitie obtinuta va semana ca si consistenta cu acea compozitie de clatite.
Se acopera vasul si se baga in frigider. Se lasa cel putin 12 ore. Eu am lasat-o de pe o zi pe alta.
Apoi am pus cu ajutorul unui polonic in forme.
Cuptorul trebuie preincalzit (Andreea spunea ca trebuie preincalzit la 425F sau 230C). Eu nu am un cuptor care imi arata temperatura dar va pot spune ca l-am incalzit la temperatura medie. Formele de silicon se pun in cuptor si se lasa cam 50-55 minute.
Cannelés  vor forma o crusta de caramel crocanta. O nebunie!

When the composition is cold in off (not completely cold) we will add the mix of flour with eggs and we mix well. When the composition is homogeneous and completely cold, will look like the one made for pancakes. We will cover the pan and we’ll put it in the fridge. We’ll leave it there for at least 12 hours. I left it there until the next day. 
After that I put the composition in the silicon molds with a ladle. The oven has to be preheated (Andreea says that we should preheat it at 425F or 230C). I don’t have a oven which can show me the temperature but I can tell you that I preheated mine at medium temperature. Silicon molds will be put in the oven and left for 50-55 minutes. Cannelés will form a wonderful caramel crust.

Nu va ingrijorati daca au aceasta culoare. Sunt absolut delicioase cu acea crusta si interiorul cremos! Multumesc pentru reteta, Andreea!

Don’t worry if they have this color. The are absolutely delicious with that crust and creamy interior! 

Thanks Andreea for the recipe!

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