Nu sunt o mare fana a creierului, indiferent in ce fel este pregatit. Este motivul pentru care il prepar decat atunci cand sotul meu doreste acest fel de mancare.
De data aceasta am fost foarte hotarata sa il fac in asa fel incat sa imi placa si mie. Nu aveam o reteta concreta in vedere insa auzisem de la niste vecine ca se pot face si bulete. Asa ca am improvizat. Habar nu am daca asa trebuiau sa iasa dar noua ne-au placut.
– 1 kg creier de porc
– 3 oua
– 200 g pesmet
– 1 ardei
– 1 gogosar
– cimbru
– piper
– sare
– 1 lingurita de otet
I’m not such a great fan of brain, no matter how is cooked. That’s why I’m cooking brain only when my husband asks.
This time I was decided to cook it somehow to like it also. I didn’t had a special recipe in my mind but I’ve heard my neighbors that they made balls of pork brain. I don’t know how these balls should have been but we liked them.
– 1 kg of pork brain
– 3 eggs
– 200g of crumbs
– 1 green bell pepper
– 1 red bell pepper
– savory
– pepper
– salt
– 1 teaspoon of vinegar
Creierul se fierbe cca 10-15 minute cu sare si 1 lingurita de otet. Cand este fiert se scurge de apa si se pune intr-un castron.
We boil the pork brain for 10-15 minutes with salt and 1 teaspoon of vinegar. When the brain is boiled we sloop the water and we put it into a bowl.
Spalam si taiem in cubulete mici ardeii. Se pun in castron impreuna cu cimbrul si piperul si se mixeaza cu ajutorul unui blender. Se obtine o pasta de consistenta cremoasa.
We wash and we cut the peppers in small pieces. We put the pepper with the savory and the pepper into the bowl and we mix them with a blender. We’ll obtain a paste with a creamy consistence.
Adaugam cele trei oua si mixam bine.
We add the eggs and we mix well.
Se pune pesmetul si se amesteca bine cu o lingura.
We add the crumble and we mix well with a spoon.
Formam bulete pe care le tavalim prin pesmet.
We make the balls and we roll them in crumble.
Buletele se prajesc 3-4 minute in baie de ulei incins.
We fry the balls for 3-4 minutes in hot oil.
Noi am servit buletele cu garnitura de cartofi natur.
We served the balls with boiled potatoes.
In sfarsit am gasit o reteta de creier pe care o pot manca si eu. Nu este atat de grea ca si cea pane si nici atat de suculenta.
Finally I found a recipe of pork brain that I like. It’s not so heavy for my stomach and not to juicy for my taste.