Budinca de rubarba cu apa de trandafiri/Rhubarb pudding with rose water
Cand am facut minitorturile cu cirese si capsuni va povesteam ca mi-au mai ramas niste bucati de pandispan. Trebuiau valorificate cumva. Asa mi-a venit ideea unei budinci absolut delicioase.
Chiar daca va trebui sa va faceti curaj ca sa deschideti focul in cuptoare intr-o dimineata sau seara, cu siguranta nu veti regreta.
When I made minicakes with cherries and strawberries I was telling you that I have left some pieces of spongecake. I had to do something with them. So my idea was a completely delicious pudding.
If you have the courage to open the oven in the morning or evening, you will certainly not regret it.
Iata ce ingrediente am folosit:
Pandispan (daca nu aveti resturi de la o alta prajitura)
– 4 oua
– 4 linguri de zahar
– 4 linguri de faina
– vanilie
– 5 g praf de copt
– 400 ml smantana lichida (dulce)
– 3 oua
– 3 linguri de zahar
– vanilie
– 3 tulpini de rubarba
– 3 linguri de zahar
– 2 linguri de apa de trandafir
– vanilie
– cateva lingurite de zahar pentru caramel si frunzulite de menta pentru decor
Daca nu aveti pandispan si nu ati facut niciodata unul va puteti inspira de aici
Here are the ingredients I used:
Spongecake (if don’t you have spongecake leftovers)
– 4 eggs
– 4 tablespoons sugar
– 4 tablespoons flour
– vanilla
– 5 g baking powder
– 400 ml heavy cream (sweet)
– 3 eggs
– 3 tablespoons sugar
– vanilla
– 3 stalks of rhubarb
– 3 tablespoons of sugar
– 2 tablespoons of rose water
– vanilla
– few tablespoons of sugar for the caramel and mint leaves for decoration
If you don’t have spongecake leftovers and you never made one, you can inspire from this recipe
Curatam rubarba si o taiem cubulete. Apoi o punem intr-o cratita si adaugam zahar si 150 ml de apa. Punem cratita pe foc si o lasam 5 minute amestecand usor. Apoi o luam deoparte, adaugam apa de trandafiri si punem un capac peste craticioara.
Peel off the rhubarb and cut into cubes. Then put it in a saucepan and add sugar and 150 ml of water. Put the pan on the stove and let it 5 minutes, stirring gently. Then take it aside, add rose water and put a lid over the pan.
Apoi se prepara crema. Se pun cele trei oua impreuna cu zaharul intr-o cratita si se bat cu un tel. Apoi se adauga smantana si se omogenizeaza. Cratita se pune pe foc si se amesteca in continuu pana crema se leaga (devine vascoasa). Se adauga vanilia si se amesteca usor. Cratita se ia de pe foc si se lasa la racorit 5-10 minute.
Then prepare the cream. Place the three eggs and sugar in a pan and beat them with a whisk. Then add cream and stir. Put the pan on the stove and stir constantly until cream binds (becomes viscous). Add vanilla and mix gently. Take the saucepan aside and let it cool off for 5-10 minutes.
Se pregatesc vasele in care se pune budinca. Prima data vom pune bucatelele de rubarba si cele de pandispan. Apoi se adauga crema calduta. Este preferabil sa folosim ramequins sau vase rezistente la caldura.
Prepare dishes in which you’ll put pudding. First we put the pieces of rhubarb and the spongecake. Then add the warm cream. It’s preferable to use ramequins or heat resistant pots.
Vasele cu budinca se pun intr-o tava umpluta pe jumatate cu apa si se baga in cuptorul preincalzit pentru 30 de minute (cam atat a durat pana cand budinca a devenit ferma).
Vessels with pudding are put in a tray half filled with water and introduced in preheated oven for 30 minutes (that’s all it took until pudding has become firm).
Presarati zahar in fiecare ramequin cu budinca si faceti o crusta delicioasa de caramel cu ajutorul unui pistol cu gaz.
Apoi se lasa sa se raceasca si se pun in frigider pana la servire.
Spread some sugar in each ramequin with pudding and do a wonderful and delicious caramel crust with a blow torch.
Then let the puddings to cool off and then put them into the refrigerator until you’ll serve them.
Va doresc pofta buna si zile insorite!
I wish you bon appétit and sunny days!