Aperitive / Appetizers,  Carne si preparate din carne/organe de porc / Pork and pork organs

Budinca aromata cu ciuperci shimeji/Flavored pudding with shimeji mushrooms

Uneori se intampla sa primesc de la familie, prieteni sau colaboratori tot felul de ingrediente interesante si foarte gustoase. Inspiratia vine repede si ma grabesc sa va povestesc si voua despre ce am mai pus la cale in bucatarie.
Nu stiu daca am povestit vreodata pe-aici despre cum ma inspir pentru retetele pe care le postez. Daca e vorba de retete clasice incerc mereu sa le folosesc pe cele din familie si de la prieteni dragi. Folosesc si carti, uneori ma uit cu drag la bucatarii mei preferatii de la televizor, emisiunile culinare fiind singurele pe care le urmaresc. De fiecare data insa am incercat sa adaptez retetele pe gustul meu si al celor pentru care gatesc.
Reteta de budinca aromata cu ciuperci shimeji este inspirata din emisiunile bucatarilor englezi. Mirosul si gustul ciupercilor shimeji imi aduce aminte de o padure in timpul lunilor de toamna, cand umezeala si frunzele uscate creeaza o atmosfera unica. Desi nu am vizitat niciodata Anglia, asa imi inchipui eu padurile lor si atmosfera de la tara.
Sometimes it happens to get all sorts of wonderful and interesting ingredients from my family, friends and collaborators. Inspiration comes fast and in a big hurry I come here to tell what I cooked in my kitchen.
I don’t know if I told you before here somewhere from where I get my inspiration for the recipes posted on my blog. If there are classic recipes I try to use the ones cooked by my family and dear friends. I use books, sometimes I watch with so much joy my favorites chefs  at TV, culinary programs being the only TV shows that I’m usually try to see. But every time I tried to adapt the recipes to my tastes and also to the ones’ for whom I’m cooking. 
Flavored pudding’s with shimeji mushrooms recipe is inspired by English chefs’ TV shows. Shimeji mushrooms’ taste and smell make me think about a forest in autumn months, when the moisture and dead leaves create an unique atmosphere. Although I never saw England, that’s how I’m imagining its woods and countryside atmosphere. 

Reteta este foarte simpla, rustica si rapid de facut.
Aveti nevoie de urmatoarele ingrediente:
– 100 g ciuperci shimeji albe
– 100 g ciuperci shimeji brune
– 2 linguri de ulei
– 3-4 felii de spek (sau bacon)
– 1 ardei rosu
– 2 cepe
– 2 oua
– 3 linguri de smantana- busuioc
– maghiran
– sare
– cateva felii de paine graham
– 200-250 ml lapte
The recipe is very simple, rustic and quick.
You’ll need the following ingredients:
-100 g white shimeji mushrooms 
-100 g brown shimeji mushrooms 
– 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil
-3-4 slices of spek or bacon
– 1 red bell pepper
– 2 onions
– 2 eggs
– 3 tablespoons of heavy cream
– basil
– marjoram
– salt
– few loafs of graham bread
-200-250 ml of milk 

Ele sunt faimoasele ciupercute. Ceea ce ati vazut in prima imagine sunt altfel de ciuperci-king oyster si champignon, folosite numai pentru fotografii.
These are the famous mushrooms. What you saw in the first picture are other mushrooms-king oyster and champignon, used only for photos here.

Am calit in putin ulei ceapa impreuna cu ardeiul si feliile de spek taiate marunt.
I tempered in some oil the onions with bell pepper and spek slices cut in small pieces.

Am adaugat apoi ciupercile, condimentele si sarea si am acoperit cu un capac. Nu am adaugat apa deoarece ciupercile au lasat suficienta. Dupa 15-20 de minute toate ingredientele erau moi iar cantitatea de sos format era destul de mica. Am stins focul si am lasat amestecul sa se raceasca cam 10 minute.
I added the mushrooms, spices and salt and I covered with a lid. I didn’t put any extra water because the mushrooms left in off in order to boil. After 15-20 minutes all the ingredients were boiled and the quantity of sauce that formed in the pan was just in off. I took the pan aside and left the mix to cool off about 10 minutes. 

Dupa cele 10 minute am adaugat smantana amestecata cu oua.
After 10 minutes I added heavy cream mixed with eggs.

Am inmuiat painea in lapte si am asezat-o intr-o tava de silicon. Am pus compozitia cu ciuperci si am acoperit cu felii de paine inmuiate in lapte. Tava am pus-o in cuptorul preincalzit la 150 de grade Celsius. Budinca este gata dupa 30-40 de minute, in functie de cat de crocanta vreti sa fie painea.
I dipped the bread in milk and put it in a silicon tray. I added the mushroom mix and I covered with slices of bread dipped in milk. I put the tray in the preheated oven at 150 Celsius degrees. The pudding is ready in 30-40, depending on how crunchy you prefer the bread.


Budinca se serveste calda sau rece, cu legume proaspete sau langa aperitive.
PS: Nu stiu exact unde gasiti ciupercutele astea. Eu le-am primit de la prietenii mei (multumesc, Laurentiu!)
The pudding can be served warm or cold, with fresh vegetables or near some appetizers.
 PS: I don’t know exactly where you can find these mushrooms. I’ve got them from my friends ( thanks, Laurentiu!)
Bon appetit!

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