Briose vesele / Happy muffins
Si acum imi aduc aminte ce zi minunata am avut. Bine, recunosc mi-a fost teribil de frig! Ce sa mai spun de rochita mea care mi-a provocat febra musculara (a avut nici mai mult nici mai putin decat 11 kg!), emotiile si “corul bocitoarelor” format din mame, bunici si matusi :))!
Si cum puteam sa imi aduc aminte de toate astea altfel decat cu zambetul pe buze? Asa ca i-am facut o surpriza sotului meu: briose. Si nu oricum! Briose vesele!Ingrediente pentru figurine:
– 100 g marsmallow
– 220 gr zahar pudra
– 2 linguri de apa
Ingrediente pentru briose (18 buc):
– 300 g faina pentru patiserie
– 150 ml lapte
– 5 oua
– 50 g unt
– 100 g zahar
– 1 pliculet de praf de copt
– 2 pliculete zahar vanilat
– colorant alimentar albastru
– ciocolata pentru decor
And how can I remember these things without having a smile on my face? So I prepared a surprise for my husband: muffins. Not any muffins! Happy muffins!
Ingredients for figurines:
– 100 g marshmallow- 220 g powdered sugar
– 2 tablespoons of water
Ingredients for muffins (18 pieces):
– 300 g flour for patisserie
– 150 ml milk
– 5 eggs
– 50 g butter
– 100 g sugar
– 10 g baking powder
– 20 g vanilla sugar
– alimentary color for the muffins
– chocolate for decoring
Punem marshmallow impreuna cu apa intr-un bol din inox. Acesta se asaza pe o oala cu apa care fierbe. Marshmallow se vor amesteca in continuu pana cand se topesc.
We put the marshmallow and the 2 tablespoons of water into a stainless steel bowl. This bowl will be put over a pan with boiling water, on the stove. The marshmallows will be mixed continuously with a spatula until they melt.
Apoi se adauga zaharul pudra si se amesteca pana la omogenizare. Se lasa cateva minute la racit dupa care se pune pe planul de lucru si se framanta cu putin zahar pudra sau amidon. Se pune in hartie de copt si se lasa la loc intunecat si rece cateva ore sau pana a doua zi.
After that we’ll add the powdered sugar and we mix well until we obtain a homogeneous composition. We let the composition to cool off for few minutes and after we’ll put it on the working plan and we mix it very well with some powdered sugar or with some starch. After this we put the fondant into a baking paper and we let it into a dry and cold place (not in the fridge) for few hours or until the next day.
Dupa cateva ore se pune pe masa, se intinde cu un sucitor si se taie cu diverse forme. Aceste forme se lasa la uscat dupa care se decoreaza cum doriti.
Se pregateste aluatul pentru briose. Prima data se pun ouale si untul topit si se mixeaza. Apoi se adauga toate celelalte ingrediente si in final faina. Se mixeaza bine si se pune in forme.
Meanwhile we prepare the composition for muffins. First we will put the eggs and melted butter. We mix very well and we will add all the other ingredients. We will let the flour the last. We mix well and we put the composition in the baking forms.
Briosele se incearca daca sunt coapte cu ajutorul unei scobitori. Dupa ce s-au scos si s-au racit vom decora cu ciocolata si vom pune decoratiile din fondant.
The muffins will be tested if they are baked with a stick. After they were taken out of the oven and they are cooled off, we will decorate them with melted chocolate and we will put the fondant decoration on top of them.
Nu-i asa ca-s dragute si vesele? Sotul meu a fost foarte incantat de micul meu cadou :).
Aren’t these muffins cute and happy? My husband was very pleased for this little present :).