Desert / Dessert

Briose cu amaretti si martipan / Muffins with amaretti and marzipan

La mine in familie sunt recunoscuta pentru doua lucruri: reciclez tot de prin frigider si tot ce imi place si nu pot manca pe la mama si bunica cer sa se puna la pachet :)) Nu transform o mancare in alta dar in mod sigur nu voi arunca mancarea pe care am cumparat-o. De aceea o mare parte din retetele mele sunt facute si din cauza ca nu m-a lasat inima sa arunc diverse ingrediente ramase in cantitati mai mici in frigider. Poate si voi sunteti in aceeasi situatie si aveti nevoie de o idee šŸ™‚ De Craciun am facut tot felul de preparate pentru care am avut nevoie numai ( šŸ™‚ ) de galbenusuri. Asa ca am ramas cu multe albusuri. Am facut niste briose minunate cu ele. Iata reteta:

– 10 albusuri
– 11 linguri de faina
– 10 linguri de zahar
– cacao neagra (5-6 linguri)
– 100 ml smantana dulce
– 5 g praf de copt
– 50 g martzipan
– esenta de migdale
– amaretti (40 buc micute)
– 50 g ciocolata neagra (glazura)
In my family I’m well known for two things: Ā for recycling all the rests of ingredients from the fridge and because everything I like and can not eat at my mother and grandmother I ask to be put inĀ casserolesĀ for home :))
I don’t like to transform a dish in other but certainly will not throw the food that we bought. That’s why many of my recipes are made because I didn’t like to throw different ingredients left in small quantities in my Ā refrigerator. Maybe you are in the same situation and you need an idea:)
For Christmas I made many recipes that needed only the yolks. So remained a lot of egg whites that were used to bake these wonderful muffins. Here’s the recipe:Ā 
– 10 egg whites
– 11 tablespoons of flour
– 10 tablespoons of sugar
– black cocoa (5-6 tablespoons)
– 100 ml fresh cream
– 5 g baking powder
– 50 g marzipan
– almond extract
– amaretti (40 tiny pcs)
– 50 g dark chocolate (frosting)
Am mixat albusurile cu zaharul pana cand am obtinut o spuma tare. Am adaugat cacao, esenta de migdale si in final praful de copt si am mixat. Apoi am pus faina si smantana si am amestecat in continuare.
Compozitia este cremoasa, densa. Eu am pus bucatile de martipan in aceasta compozitie. Puteti sa le puneti si cand turnati compozitia in forme, nu este nici o diferenta.
I mixed the egg whites with sugar until I got aĀ meringue. I added cocoa, almond extract and baking powder and finally I mixed well. Then I put the flour and cream and I stirred.Ā 
Composition is creamy, dense. I put pieces of marzipan in this mixture. You can put them and when you pour the composition in forms, there is no difference.
Hartiile pentru muffins au fost putin atipice. Nu am reusit sa gasesc forme sau tava care sa aiba cuiburi de aceasta dimensiune. Asa ca m-am descurcat cu formele de minitarte.
Am pus hartia, putina compozitie si 4 amaretti. Am vrut ca amaretti sa fie acoperiti de compozitie deoarece altfel s-ar fi ars.
Nu va ingrijorati ca partea superioara nu este uniforma, ea se va nivela in momentul in care incep sa se coaca.
Am pus formele intr-o tava mare si le-am bagat in cuptorul preincalzit. Le-am copt la temperatura medie cam 15 minute.
Papers for muffins were quite atypical. I was unable to find forms or tray which had nests for this size. So I did use the ones for mini pies.
I put the paper, some composition and 4 amaretti. I wantedĀ amarettiĀ to be covered with composition Ā because otherwise they would be burned.
Do not worry if the top is not uniform, it will flatten when they begin to bake.
I put the forms in a large tray and I put it in the preheated oven. I cooked them at average temperature about 15 minutes.
Dupa ce s-au racit, am topit ciocolata neagra si am pus pe fiecare briosa. Le-am si decorat cu o floricica, sa ne mai treaca dorul de primavara! šŸ™‚
After they cooled off, I melted the chocolate and I put some on each muffin. I decorated them with flowers, to pass our longing for spring! šŸ™‚
Serviti cu o cafea buna, un lichior amaretto sau un ceai negru, aromat. Delicioase!
Serve them with a cup of good coffee, amaretto liqueur or blackĀ flavoredĀ tea. Delicious!
BonĀ appĆ©tit!Ā 

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