Targ de Sarbatori / Holiday Market

Biscuiti cu portocala / Orange biscuits

Cui nu-i plac biscuitii? Eu nu cred ca exista multe persoane care pot spune asta! 🙂
Noi nu ne numaram printre ele!
Am incercat diverse retete de biscuiti. Au fost multi care ne-au placut. Acestia pe care i-am facut inainte de Craciun au fost printre preferatii nostri. I-am servit cu un ceai, o cafea sau o ciocolata calda. Ba chiar si simpli!

Ingrediente biscuiti:
– 1 ou
– 600 g faina
– 250 g margarina
– 1 portocala mare
– 6 linguri de zahar
– 2 lingurite bicarbonat de amoniu
– nucsoara
– cuisoare
– scortisoara

Ingrediente Royal Icing (glazura):
– 2 albusuri
– 450 g zahar pudra

Who doesn’t love biscuits? I don’t think there are too many persons who can say this! 🙂
We aren’t among them!
I’ve tried various recipes of biscuits. We liked many of those biscuits. But those made before Christmas were between our favorites. We’ve served them with tea, coffee or hot chocolate. And even simple!
Ingredients for biscuits:
– 1 egg
– 600 g flour
– 250 g margarine
– 1 big orange
– 6 tablespoons of sugar
– 2 teaspoons of baking ammonia
– nutmeg
– cloves
– cinnamon
Ingredients for Royal Icing:
– 2 egg whites
– 450 g powdered sugar

Cuisoarele se pun in mojar si se maruntesc.

Cloves will be put in the grinding mortar and will be minced.

Margarina topita se pune intr-un castron.

Melted margarine will be put into a bowl.

Sucul si pulpa obtinute de la portocala se pun in castron, peste margarina topita.

The juice and pulp obtained from the orange will be put in the bowl with melted margarine.

Se adauga zaharul, bicarbonatul, scortisoara, nucsoara, cuisoarele si se amesteca. Apoi adaugam si faina si amestecam pana cand obtinem un aluat elastic.

We add sugar, baking ammonia, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and we mix. After that, we put the flour and we mix until we’ll obtain an elastic dough. 

Aluatul se imparte in 4 bucati. Presaram faina pe masa si intindem o bucata din care taiem biscuitii cu ajutorul unor forme. Vom face asa pana cand terminam tot aluatul si vom avea niste biscuiti draguti.
Biscuitii se pun intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt. Se baga in cuptorul preincalzit si se coc la temperatura medie. Timpul difera in functie de cuptor. Apoi se scot si se lasa sa se raceasca.

The dough will be cut in 4 pieces. We’ll spread some flour on the table and we’ll stretch the piece of dough. We’ll cut the biscuits with some cutters. We’ll repeat the action until we’ll finish all the dough and we’ll have some nice biscuits. 
The biscuits will be put in a tray with baking paper under. The tray will be left in the preheated oven. Biscuits will be baked at medium temperature. Baking time depends on what kind of oven you have. Biscuits will be taken out and left to cool off.

Preparam glazura sau Royal Icing (cum vreti sa-i spuneti). Se bat albusurile spuma. Se adauga zaharul treptat si se mixeaza bine. Se obtine o glazura pe care o puteti colora. Apoi decorati fiecare biscuite cum doriti.

We’ll prepare Royal Icing. We mix the egg whites. We’ll add the powdered sugar gradually and we mix well. We’ll obtain an icing which can be colored. You can decorate each biscuit as you like.

Biscuitii decorati au fost lasati cateva ore ca sa se usuce glazura si apoi au fost pusi intr-o cutie metalica.

Decorated biscuits were left few hours on a tray because the icing has to be dried and after that they were put in a metallic box.
Targul nostru  va continua pana pe 7 ianuarie cand se termina lantul Sarbatorilor la romani. Pana atunci mai am de povestit despre niste retete care noua si invitatilor nostri ne-au facut mare placere! 🙂

Our Market will continue until 7th of January when in Romania the Winter Holidays will be finished. Until then I will tell you about some recipes that we and our guests loved so much! 🙂

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