Bauturi / Beverages

Berea belgiana/Belgian beer

M-am laudat de cand am plecat in vacanta ca o sa va fac niste surprize. Ei bine, una dintre ele este acest articol despre berea belgiana.
Pe langa ciocolata belgiana care este atat de cunoscuta in toata lumea aceasta minunata tara se mai poate lauda cu berea. Numarul tipurilor belgiene de bere imi este necunoscut. Auzisem la un moment dat de 700 de tipuri de bere! Se spunea ca poti gusta toate aceste tipuri de bere intr-un local numit Delirium Cafe. Desi mergem destul de des in Belgia mereu descoperim un nou tip de bere, abia scos pe piata.
Noi am incercat cu mult mai putine tipuri dar am facut o mica selectie. A venit momentul sa vi le arat si voua si sa va invit la un pahar chiar daca numai virtual.

I told you when I left on holiday that I will make you some surprises. Well, one of those surprises is this post about the Belgian beer. 
Besides the Belgian chocolate which is very well known whole over the world, this wonderful country can praise itself with the beer. The number of Belgian beer types is unknown for me. I herd a while ago that they have 700 types of beer! I also herd that you can taste all these types of beer in a Cafe called  Delirium Cafe. Although we visit Belgium often, we always discover a new type of beer which was recently put on the market.

We’ve tried only few types and we made a little selection. It’s time to show you this selection and to invite you to drink a glass of beer, even if it is a virtual one.
Mai intai Grand Place. Nu puteam sa nu fac macar cateva poze sa vi le arat!

First of all Grand Place. I couldn’t help myself not to take some pictures with it to show them to you!

Primul tip de bere este si unul dintre preferatele mele. Hoegaarden Rosee. Este o bere ce contine suc de zmeura si aroma de condimente (coriandru). Este nefiltrata si destul de slab alcoolizata – 3%.

First type of beer is one of my favorites. Hoegaarden Rosee. It’s a beer which contains also raspberry zest and spice flavors (coriander). It’s unfiltered and it contains only 3% alcohol. 

Belle Vue este un alt tip de bere pe care il prefer. Si acest tip contine suc de fructe -zmeura. Este si aceasta destul de slab alcoolizata.

Belle Vue  is also one of my favorites. This type it contains raspberry zest. It has a low content in alcohol. 

Berea Bush este o bere de culoarea ambrei. Are aroma de whiskey si 12% alcool.

Bush beer is an amber beer. It has whiskey flavor and 12% alcohol. 

Hoegaarden Citron este o bere minunata. Cred ca v-ati dat seama ca se afla in topul meu! Este o bere usoara (3% alcool) si foarte aromata, ea continand suc de lamaie. Si nu, nu seamana deloc cu Beck’s Lemon!

Hoegaarden Citron is a wonderful beer. I guess you know by now that this beer is on my top! It’s a light beer (only 3% alcohol) and very flavored, because it contains lemon zest. And no, it’s not similar with Beck’s Lemon!

Jupiler este asa-zisa bere blonda comuna. Si totusi, e mult mai aromata. Contine 5,2 % alcool.

Jupiler is the so called common blond beer. And even so, it’s much flavored than a normal beer. It contains 5,2 % alcohol.

Jupiler Tauro este varianta mai tare a Jupiler. Contine 8,3% alcool.

Jupiler Tauro is the stron version of Jupiler. It contains 8,3 % alcohol.

Gordon este o bere foarte aromata. Cunoscatorii o denumesc Scotch Ale, datorita gustului. Contine 10 % alcool.
Gordon is a very flavored beer. The ones who know this beer call it Scotch Ale, because it’s taste. It contains 10 % alcohol.

Am pastrat cea mai buna bere incercata pentru sfarsit! Kwak este o bere speciala; cand o gustati puteti recunoaste in ea aroma de lemn dulce si banana, dar si gustul de malt. Paharul in care se serveste este special creat pentru acest tip de bere. Contine 8,4% alcool.

And I kept the best the last! Kwak is a special beer; you can recognize the tastes of liquorice and banana in it, but also the malty aroma. The glass is made especially for this type of beer. It contains 8,4 % alcohol.

In viitoarele mele vizite in Belgia am sa incerc si alte tipuri de bere pe care o sa vi le arat desi sunt convinsa ca nu-mi ajunge o viata sa le incerc pe toate! Mai multe despre berea belgiana aici!
In my future visits in Belgium I will try some other types of beer and I will present them to you, although I’m almost sure that I need one more life to try them all! More about Belgian beer here!

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