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Aperitiv cu masline si ansoa/Appetizer with olives and anchovy

Nu stiu voi cum sunteti, dar eu, atunci cand sunt mai prinsa cu treburi si mai grabita, parca am “norocul” sa primesc cele mai neasteptate vizite.
Saptamana trecuta am avut o astfel de zi in care as fi dat orice sa ma arunc in pat de cum ajung acasa. Dar nu a fost sa fie. Am fost anuntata ca voi fi vizitata de o cunostinta care nu vine prea des la noi. Asa ca m-am apucat sa incropesc niste gustari. Una dintre retetele pe care le-am folosit a fost minunata si cred ca va poate fi de ajutor si voua atunci cand vreti sa pregatiti un aperitiv rapid. Turnuletele de castraveti cu pasta de ansoa si masline vor fi cu siguranta si pe placul celor mai pretentiosi.
I do not know how you are, but I, when I’m stuck with things and in great hurry, I have the “luck” to get the most unexpected visits.
Last week I had a day like that in which I would have give anything to throw myself in bed as soon as I got home. But it was not meant to be. I was told that I would be visited by an acquaintance who doesn’t come often to our place. So I started to put together some snacks. One of the recipes that I used was wonderful and I think it can be helpful to you when you want to prepare a quick snack. Cucumber towers with anchovy and olives paste and will surely please the most demanding guests.

-50 g ansoa
-150 g masline fara samburi
-20 ml ulei de masline
-1 catel de usturoi
-oregano proaspat
-1 castravete mare


-50 g anchovies
-150g pitted olives
-20 ml olive oil
-1 garlic clove
-fresh oregano
-1 large cucumber

Desfaceti borcanasul de ansoa cu grija si scurgeti uleiul. Gustati o bucatica de peste pentru a vedea daca este sarat. In cazul in care acesta este foarte sarat, lasati-l in putin lapte cald timp de cel putin 1 ora. Apoi clatiti-l cu putina apa si puneti-l intr-un vas cu peretii inalti, pentru mixer.
Open the small pot with anchovies and drain the oil. Taste a piece of fish to see if it is salty. If it is very salty, put it in some warm milk for at least 1 hour. Then rinse it with water and place it in a bowl with high walls, for the mixer.

Puneti maslinele si usturoiul in bol, peste ansoa si folositi un blender pentru a transforma ingredientele in pasta (nu uitati sa gustati maslinele-este posibil sa aiba nevoie sa fie desarate) . La final adaugati uleiul de masline si condimentele si amestecati bine.
Put the olives and garlic in the bowl, over anchovies and use a blender to transform the ingredients in a paste  (do not forget to taste the olives, it is possible to need to unsalt them). Finally add the olive oil and spices and mix well.

Spalati castravetele si taiati-l in mai multe bucati egale. Apoi scoateti putin din miez.
Wash the cucumber and cut it into several equal chunks. Then remove a piece of the core.

Puneti apoi in fiecare bucata de castravete pasta de ansoa si masline, decorati-le frumos si asezati-le pe un platou, alaturi de alte gustari.
Then put in each piece of cucumber some olives and anchovies paste, decorate them nice and place them on a platter, along with other appetizers.

Daca totusi nu mai aveti energie sa pregatiti ceva, puteti sa comandati ceva de la restaurantul cel mai apropiat. Daca nu stiti care dintre ele livreaza in zona, puteti apela cu incredere la site-ul va ajuta sa gasiti in cel mai scurt timp restaurantul preferat, cu specificul dorit si sa plasati comanda. Cei de la au chiar si o aplicatie pentru telefonul mobil pe care o puteti descarca de pe site. Astfel totul va fi mai usor – puteti face pregatirile de la serviciu sau chiar in drumul de intoarcere spre casa. Dupa plasarea comenzii veti primi un SMS cu informatii despre livrare si costuri. Ce poate fi mai simplu?
If you do not have energy to prepare something, you can order anything from the nearest restaurant. If you do not know which one delivers in the area, you can use with confidence This site will help you find in the shortest time a restaurant with desired specificity and also to place the order. Those from even have a mobile app that you can download from the site. Thus it will be easier – you can make preparations at work or even in the way back home. After placing your order you will receive an SMS with information about delivery and cost. What could be simpler?Langa gustarile si mancarurile pe care le comandati sau le pregatiti pentru invitati sau chiar pentru voi, ar merge foarte bine si un desert si ceva de baut. Pe le puteti comanda si pe acestea. Tot acolo veti gasi si raspunsurile la intrebarile pe care sunt convinsa ca le aveti despre toate serviciile oferite.Near the appetizers and foods that you ordered or prepared for guests,  it would go very well a dessert and a drink. On and you can order them. Also there you will find answers to your questions that I’m convinced that you have about all the offered services.

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